Two brothers from Papua, Demianus and Seth, have recently escaped pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools) and are now telling their stories. The brothers’ parents died when they were young, and their uncle approached them and said he had a way that they could receive a free education, but they had to go to Jakarta. Upon arrival, they were forced to become Muslim, and were sent off to pesantrens. While at the pesantren, both boys were abused.
When the boys’ uncle was questioned, he told the reporters the only people he “helped” were family members. According to Demianus, his uncle was trafficked himself in a similar manner. Demianus does not know if his uncle was paid or not.
Pray for the many children who are apparently being trafficked. Ask they will be able to escape, and that those who are behind this trafficking will be brought to justice.
Read the full story here.
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