Indonesian Christians have united together for an intercessory prayer movement. They hope it will improve relations between Muslims and Christians. Five million Christians are participating in non-stop prayer throughout hundreds of cities. Jeffrey Petrus, an organizer of the movement, said, “24 hours a day, we are praying for the churches in Indonesia, all pastors and leaders. No single hour or day passes without prayers for our country.” There are multi-story buildings throughout the country with beds, so people can take 4-hour shifts at a time with the option to rest so they can pray again. The center of evangelicalism has been Jakarta, however other cities are starting to see a surge of churches and believers. This rapid growth has prompted a dire need for discipleship and continued strong leadership.
Praise God for this movement! Pray that it will continue, and that the Indonesian church would begin to see answers to their prayers.
Read the full story here.
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