Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is criticizing Islamic Defender’s Front (FPI) for conducting raids in places they deem immoral during the month of Ramadan. Last week one of those raids ended with a pregnant woman being killed in a vehicle accident. Just a few days later, FPI trashed a store in Makassar that sells alcohol. Mr. Aqil of NU told Wall Street Journal, “The government is powerless; it’s week. The NU regrets that the government doesn’t take stern action against mass organizations that do these sweeps.” Ratna Sarumpaet, and Indonesian artist and social rights activist stated, “The FPI is trying to take over government duties.” She began an online petition to disband the FPI earlier this year, and now has almost 19,000 signatures.
Pray for members of the FPI to be radically changed by the Gospel of Christ.
Read the full story here.
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